Our work will move us closer to the abolishment of the Family Policing System! Support this critical work by investing in the Movement.
A failing Child “Protection” System is forcefully and disproportionately removing Black and Brown children from safe and loving homes. Operation Stop CPS works with ALL families but focuses specifically on this root problem.

53% of all Black homes are investigated by child welfare officials. A simple knock on the door by a social worker can lead to demands to enter the home without a warrant, intense interrogations, and strip searches that often end with children traumatically being pulled from their parents arms. Over 200,000 children of color are currently in the custody of the government.Â
Many of these removals happen without consent or a court order and exploit families by then requiring them to complete unnecessary services (parenting classes, drug treatment, mental health evaluations) to reunify with their children. Most, if not all, of the service providers are contracted with the Government and have a financial incentive to continue to recommend that parents comply with the unnecessary services.Â
In every state, CPS essentially acts as a kidnapping gang to keep black people powerless politically, economically and socially. Operation Stop CPS believe that the oppressive actions of CPS agencies all over the U.S. represents a symptom of colonialism, which was designed to ensure complete domination of Black people by a foreign state power. Our mission is to empower Black and Brown families to rise up and end the colonial hold of Child Protective Services, and reclaim power and control of our own children and community.Â
Our Solutions
Operation Stop CPS was founded by former Child Abuse & Neglect Investigators that saw the corruption of this system first-hand and made a decision to be a part of the solution. Operation Stop CPS focuses its efforts on educating society on the reality that States are sanctioning the kidnapping of children under the guise of protecting them. We also work with families to empower them with the knowledge they need to demand the reunification of their children. Finally, we help communities build power to resist CPS interventions and take back control over the raising of their children. Learn more about how we take action below.

Respond in Power Training
We help communities identify the problems within their local Child Protection System and help safely implement strategies to eliminate the need to engage with CPS.

Change Agent Services
Change Agents are ex-CPS Investigators with first hand knowledge of how CPS really works. Change Agents work with families to demand justice when they are forced to engage with CPS unnecessarily.
Mandated Responder Hotline (Coming Soon)
Have you ever wondered if you should call CPS on a family? Our trained volunteers will help find other solutions to help solve the crisis.
Partnerships For Change
Operation Stop CPS's goal is to partner with organizations who are already working to dismantle the Family Regulation System. Operation has partnered with the African National Women's Organization to build community solutions for African women ready to organize for a better future for themselves and their children.
Visit ANWO WebsiteWe have also partnered with Twisted Yogi to create safe spaces for impacted parents, dedicated to healing and rediscovering life through movement and meditation. By strengthening the connection between yoga and social justice, we activate communities ability to harness the power of the breath and stand in their true inheritance.
Visit Twisted Yogi Website***Operation Stop CPS is based in Durham, North Carolina.
Current Movement News
New Hanover County (NC) Kills Dad

Dad Dies Due to Stress of CPS Case
A North Carolina family is devastated after the death of their loved one who passed away due to the stress caused by CPS. Read the full story and help this family get justice by emailing NC Director of Child Welfare Operations, Tammy Shook @ [email protected].
Read Full StoryJoin The Action in Durham, NC
Fight The Power

Operation Stop CPS has worked with several families in Durham County, North Carolina who have been victims of this corrupt system. To join our on-the-ground team and/or provide court support for families fighting back, email us at [email protected].
Read MoreSave The Date: May 12, 2024
Black Mothers March 24'
Black families and their allies converged on Washington, D.C. on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8, 2022, for the first-ever Black Mothers March on the White House to charge the U.S. government with genocide for the kidnapping of their children through the foster system. We are ready to march again and welcome you to join us on May 12, 2024.Â
Visit The Black Mothers March WebsiteSupport the Movement to Finally STOP the Unchecked Power of CPS
Every purchase helps our mission to empower families and hold CPS accountable for their abuse towards families. We NEED your support to finally put an end to this system.
It is time to Respond in POWER
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The Power is in the hands of the people who make the decision to TAKE ACTION.
Got Questions?
Contact us at [email protected]