Operation: Bring Ty'Ava Home (Active)
Removal State: North Carolina

"This has been one of the most traumatizing times of my life. I just want my child back"- Ta'Lavonne-Pollard-Williams, mother
My name is Ta'LaVonne Pollard-Williams. I am the Mother of three children: Dy'Aja (10 y.o.), Ty'Ava (2 y.o.), and Mi'Sun (7 mo.). New Hanover County Department of Social Services (NHCDSS) has been involved in my life since July of 2019. Ty'Ava comes from a family that has 5 living generations of people who love her dearly. My entire Family continues to be affected by her illegal removal. Unfortunately, some of my family members have only been able to meet Ty’Ava through photos. Our family is forced to spend quality time together without our precious Ty’Ava and we are still confused as to why. Regrettably, Dy’Aja, who lives with me full-time, was present at the daycare when NHCDSS arrived with the Wilmington Police Department (hands-on gun) to rip Ty’Ava from our family. Dy’Aja witnessed Ty'Ava being ripped from my mother’s arms and placed into a stranger's vehicle. Since that incident, Dy'Aja has not been the same. She continues to suffer from an unhealthy fear of police and is angry because she simply does not understand why she can’t play with her little sister.
When Ty’Ava was removed, I did suffer from depression, anxiety, and addiction. Regardless of my struggles, my family was able to keep my children safe without Child Protective Service involvement. My family was ignored as placement options and I have had to jump through hoops to attempt reunify with Ty’Ava.
I jumped through every hoop requested by NHCDSS, but they are still attempting to terminate my rights to my child. Even though NHCDSS is refusing to see my progress, I will not let that stop me from speaking my truth. With the assistance of a Womens and Children Program, I have maintained a healthy, clean, and sober life since March 4th, 2021. I feel that I have been given a new beginning but I know it can’t truly begin until Ty’Ava is home. I learned so much about myself while excelling above and beyond the demands of NHCDSS. I also learned I was unable to make this transformation alone. The support of my family, counselors, the people I have met at NA/AA meetings, my Sponsor, and the knowledge I have gained while attending parenting classes, DV Classes, Circle Of Parents, Triple.P., D.B.T., and T.A.S.C. have all guided me to this healed place in life. I have obtained my license, reliable transportation and stable employment. Even with all of this success, NHCDSS refuses to see me for the woman I am today.
I believe my case has been long overdue for resolution. I feel my case is being unfairly extended in attempt to force me into a relapse which would be a justification for the adoption of my child. Ty’Ava’s current foster placement is strongly encouraging adoption and the Guardian Ad Litem has also recommended adoption.
On May 19, 2022, Judge Corpening made a decision to terminate Ms. Pollard's rights to Ty'Ava. We know Judge Corpening made the wrong decision based on the law and Ms. Pollard will appeal to a higher court. In the meantime, the community must continue to raise our voices in opposition.
We Miss You Ty'Ava

The Pollard-Williams Family Has a Call to Action:
"We demand an Investigation, from a third-party, into the illegal removal of Ty'Ava Pollard. Further, we demand that the petition to terminate Ms. Pollard-Williams rights be dismissed and Ty'Ava be returned home safely to her family immediately."
Operation Stop CPS completed an independent investigation into Ty'Ava's removal and found that the removal was illegal. After completing the investigation, our organization sent an email to NHCDSS on 2/10/22 to demand an immediate resolution.

NHCDSS Refuses To Listen To The Truth
We need you to take immediate action to Stop Ms. Pollard-Williams rights from being terminated.
Don't forget to come and stand with us outside the New Hanover County Courthouse on May 18-19 at 9am. Also, call NHCDSS non-stop until Ty'Ava comes home. Simply say "Hello, my name is ___________, and I demand that Ty'Ava Pollard be reunited with her mother, Ta'Lavonne Pollard-Williams immediately.

Support the Movement to Finally STOP the Unchecked Power of CPS
Every purchase of the Respond in Power Guide and/or T-shirt helps Operation Stop CPS's mission to empower families and hold CPS accountable for their abuse towards families. We NEED your support to finally put an end to this system.